Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today, as I have spent several hours with the Lord ministering to me, I have come to realize a great gap in what I perceive my 'reality' to be and how the Lord sees it.
I recognize, and admit, that as long as I dwell in this house of clay, I am subject to faults and even sin, because of the choices I make based on my perception of 'reality'. Does it sound complicated? It really is quite simple.

We perceive our 'reality' based on how it relates (relative morality) to our core beliefs, standards set individually or by society or by the paradigms by which we govern our lives. In other words, we basically write our own 'reality'. The atheist or unbeliever and even the Church buy into the following: there are no absolutes; if it feels good, do it; if it doesn't hurt anyone, do it; there is no God, do it; there is a God but He is love, do it; everyone is doing it; there are no consequences....etc.

The Truth is there are absolutes that govern our life here on earth, beginning with: there is a God. We want to hide from this absolute, so that we do not have to experience guilt and can continue to satisfy our own lusts, of which there are many. It's just easier to go with the flow, than to follow the Truth, which was placed in all of our hearts at conception

The Truth died and was resurrected two thousand years ago, so that we might have life and that more abundantly. Not for us to squander it upon ourselves, but to let the Truth live through us.

We need to consider the way we interpret our 'reality'. God has placed Eternity in the heart of every man/woman. Whether we accept this or not is irrelevant. What His Word says is relevant and what His Word says is the guideline for being 'real'; how we must define our own 'reality'.

"You draw near to me with your mouth, and honor me with your lips, but your heart is far from me." (Matthew 15:8)



  1. I so agree. Christ is the ultimate absolute. He is absolute truth. Some things in life relative, but God is rock solid absolute. We do best when we align our life and relationship with His.

    I also wanted to thank you for adding me as a Blog Catalog friend. I just added you as well. Blessings in the One who has no shadow of turning.

  2. Thanks for visiting "Just Keeping It Real." Your comments are appreciated and thank you for adding me as a friend. Stay blessed & catch you on the next round!

  3. Even this day, I am made so aware of just how real God is in my life. Every thought, every action He is intimately aware of; every temptation, every doubt, every fear. He stands ready to strengthen and lift up when we raise our face to His. He inhabits our reality and helps us keep it real. I love Him so. \o/

  4. I read your comment on Harveys Journal. I agree that race should not be an issue. But we are human and cannot help that things will enter our mind. So it will always be an issue as long as we are human. We have to learn how to manage our selves. If we just don't speak racist things that does not mean that we did not have a racist thought, which happens every now and then TO EVERYONE. If you are not a racist it does not mean that having a racist thought will never happen to you.
    I like to read about 1955 and that era because we learn from our history. I was not born then so I have to read about it. I have NEVER had to fight for any rights as a woman or a person of mixed race. For this I am incredible grateful. This is why we need to hear how it was. So that it never happens again.
    You seem to really be interested in caring about being a good Christian as do I. You can NEVER understand how it is for another person that has different circumstances. Neither can I. The only thing we can do is to read and share each others. To that end I would invite you to please read my blog and you are more than welcome to comment as you have a clear valuable opinion.
