Friday, November 2, 2012
As a result of the hurricane/storm Sandy on the Eastern seaboard this week, many are without the bare necessities of life. This is our opportunity to help in this most trying of times for these families.
A long-time Twitter/Facebook friend is coordinating with others in her area to receive donations of clothing,shoes and coats of all sizes, bedding, quilts, dry goods such as toilet tissue, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deoderant. Also needed: instant cereals, instant coffee, peanut butter, jelly, jerky and all other non-perishable food items as there is no electricity in most areas. They will also need cleaning supplies, feminie hygiene supplies, diapers and baby food. Water is desperately needed in individual bottles and gallons.
Arrangements are being made to receive and distribute these donations. A PayPal account is being set up to recieve cash donations.
Please contact Arlene Wallis on Facebook; on Twitter @Th1kmdm09; or by email:
Another way you can assist in this matter is to repost, copy & paste or 'share' this plea on your social media accounts and share with your church and home groups.
Let's be the Church we were created to be. This truly is a James 1:27 moment. "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows (the helpless) in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
Go! Be Jesus to these friends and families who need us now.....
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