Saturday, December 4, 2010


I am concerned with the way Christians are dealing with Christians, using the examples of the harsh-toned discipline of Christ to the money changers in the temple; the fray between Paul and Barnabas over Mark; Paul's rebuke of Peter and the church for putting more on the Gentile converts to Christ than they themselves were able to bear.....etc.

To see Christ as harsh, and demanding as a pre-requisite, as an example of how we are to treat each other, is hurtful and offensive to my vision of the Savior. Some may say that I have created my own Christ and He is not the Christ of the bible but I would answer that the Christ of the Bible is the True Christ and is the Christ that has brought me to salvation and to an understanding of His great love for all.

He is the Christ who said, "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more." "Rise and be healed, your sins are forgiven." "Suffer the little children to come to Me." I will never leave you nor forsake you but will be with you to the end." My sheep know My voice." "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Was Christ passionate about His Father's House being a House of Prayer? You bet! It was His passion that drove the money changers out of the temple. Was He passionate about the corrupt teachings of the religious community that was used to manipulate and control the people? You bet!

Was Paul justified in his refusal to allow Mark to accompany his group on their next mission? He may have been, but we see Barnabas pleading on Mark's behalf and then leaving Paul's group and taking Mark with him. In the end, Mark is restored and Paul and Barnabas are still brothers. Who was right? Only God knows.

We are given specific instructions for correction in the church and are also instructed to do it with love, remembering that 'but for the grace of God, are we.'
If we are being harsh and demanding on our fellow laborers, I submit that it is not God's way. What is done for Christ must be done out of a heart of love for Him. Our goals will not be accomplished any other way. If we are using a tough, harsh, demanding type of leadership, it speaks of manipulation and control.

Even when we must turn and leave the one who will not receive instruction and turn him/her over....the very thought is so that somehow, someway they might be saved.

So then, do we just allow a fellow laborer to walk in error and in slothfulness? No! We do have to address these situations as they arise, but we must move cautiously as these are the children of the most High God and He will deal with us according to how we have dealt with others. Remember, He used heathen countries to overrun Israel to discipline Israel, but those countries were punished according to their wickedness toward Israel. Be careful, how you deal with God's children.

God is Just but He also is the God of Love. Bathe everything you Godly Love.